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Ebook Author Details

Lisa Plancich
BellaOnline's Etiquette Editor

Lisa’s love of stylized wording and sentences has kept her circle of friends laughing so hard, work and errands have been put on hold so the fun can continue.

When not keeping her friends in stitches, Lisa fills her day with a busy family, active PTA, treks with her children, Mom’s In Touch Prayer Group, lattes for her girlfriends, dinner parties for couples, adventures with her Girl Scouts, romantic dinners with her husband of 17 years, painting, decorating, and generally having fun.

After traveling the world, entertaining the masses and spending countless hours in her children’s classrooms, Lisa discovered that people of all ages can benefit from a little etiquette direction. Most people, however, don’t realize they need it. For those who would never purchase a book on etiquette and manners, perhaps a few may be tempted to peruse some tips. For those reasons, Lisa is not only an etiquette writer, she is an etiquette teacher also.

Children at her PTA’s school, and those in her community, are gaining insight into setting the table, please and thank you, courtesy, kindness and consideration. Lisa´s etiquette classes also offer assistance on topics like sportsmanship, sharing, chores, shaking hands, introductions, ordering in a restaurant, eye contact, smiling, elbows, napkins and utensils.

It’s her pleasure to connect with a world of women who are passionate about their subjects. She is also quite jazzed about the prospect of writing weekly, cultivating an expertise in a craft which has been for the most part dormant. And finally, developing a following of people who care about showing respect to others.

Contact Lisa Plancich

First Time Wine
by Lisa Plancich
First time to wine? Confounded or confused by it? Not to worry. Here is the perfect, first-to-forever wine drinker's directive. This little guide provides essential suggestions meant to enhance your overall wine drinking experience.
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