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Ebook Author Details

Allyson Elizabeth D´Angelo
BellaOnline's American Regional Cuisine Editor


I was born and raised in West Yorkshire in beautiful England (the land of fish and chips and Yorkshire puddings.) I came to America in 1990 and became a citizen in 2000. I am married and have three beautiful daughters. One is out on her own with my ever so funny four year old granddaughter, and my 11 year old identical twin girls who are at home.

Being raised by British parents, I grew up being a meat and potatoes kind of kid. I watched my mum and grandmother´s cook wholesome, delicious and comforting meals made with the simplest and freshest ingredients.

I have been cooking since I was about 12 years old. Most days before school I would prepare breakfast for my parents and younger sister. A simple breakfast of soft boiled eggs, cereal, orange juice and maybe tea or coffee for mum and dad. On one weekend day, I would make my parents breakfast in bed, which is a memory that will never be forgotten (sometimes complete with a flower in a vase.)

The first "big" dish I ever made, aside from stuffed apples and rice Krispy treats, was dinner I brought home after Home Economics class, (I think my mum and dad had to pay five British pounds for this to happen!) It was Moussaka, a Greek eggplant dish that they still rave about to this day! And, I think it was the only time I ever tried eggplant until I married my Italian husband some 30 years later.

When I came to America at the age of 29, little did I know that my passion for food and cooking would explode in leaps and bounds, experiencing cultural diverse flavors and textures that I never knew existed in England.

For the past 16 years I have made a successful career in the food industry as a caterer and food service manager working with a diverse crowd of people. It is the people that inspire me the most. I love to learn about their heritage and traditions as far as cooking goes and I am always looking to create new twists on regional recipes of the past.

My twists on recipes come from my passions for Italian food (my husband is Italian,) Mexican cooking (the first cultural cuisine I experienced in 1990,) and of course traditional British food where I was raised.

I create all of these recipes like a native and get raves for their outcome. So, my take on regional recipes abounds with flavors of my heritage & passion, yet keeping a prominent glimmer of the old days! That is - comfort!

As your editor of American Regional Cuisine, I will bring you a little tidbit of information with each recipe from the regions of America, and incorporate fresh, local and seasonal ingredients whenever possible.

Please bookmark my site and visit me often. I would like to get to know you and what you grew up eating and experienced in the kitchen with your family.

Do email me any time with your questions or suggestions and unless I´m eating something, I will answer....just kidding! Cook with love!

Contact Allyson Elizabeth D´Angelo

United Tastes of the American Table
by Allyson Elizabeth D´Angelo
If you want to experience regional flavor from across the United States, this book is packed with it! Experience, easy to make homemade recipes, inspired by the diverse home cooks of America!
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