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g Art Appreciation Site

BellaOnline's Art Appreciation Editor

 E D I T O R   P I C K S  

Here are the Editor's Picks articles for the Art Appreciation Site! These are the top ten articles that your Art Appreciation Editor feels are most important for you to read. Enjoy!

1. Do We Need Art ?
I try to answer the question as to whether we truly need art in our lives. I give examples of the ways man has communicated over time through art.

2. 'Painters in Paris' at Metropolitan Museum
An exhibition in 2000 showcasing artists working in Paris (1895-1950). I will discuss some of the artists whose work was shown. Namely, Picasso, Matisse, Rousseau, Modigliani, and Balthus.

3. Funerary Art in World’s Most Visited Cemetery
The Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris, France is one of the most famous cemeteries in the world because of its celebrated occupants and artistic tombs.

4. Desperate Housewives - Intro to Art 101
The 2005 season premiere of Desperate Housewives was anxiously anticipated (perhaps even by First Lady Laura Bush). Who could possibly turn a deaf ear to neighborly gossip? You may even learn something about art.

5. Frank Lloyd Wright Usonian Homes For Sale
Many owners of Frank Lloyd Wright homes are having difficulty selling due to size and location. Also, a look at the only Wright home in New England open to the public.

6. Saving Wyland’s Famous Whaling Wall Mural
The marine artist known simply as Wyland completed his 100th in a series of Whaling Wall murals in Beijing, China for the 2008 Olympics. Now some of his sea life murals in the U.S. are endangered.

7. Van Gogh: Only One Painting Sold in His Lifetime
Vincent Van Gogh is probably one of the most recognizable names in the history of art. A ‘starving artist’ during his abbreviated life, selling just one painting during his lifetime, his paintings would posthumously realize the highest price ever paid for a work of art.

8. Fashion Show - Paris Collection 2006 at MFA Boston
The top ten fashion designers working in Paris today are featured in an exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. I explain the relevancy of fashion design as it pertains to art.

9. Great Wave Tsunami in Asian Art
Due to the devastation in 2004 by the tsunami in South Asia, and the tsunami in 2011 in Japan, I will focus on a woodblock print by Katsushika Hokusai.

10. Renoir Paints Dancing Couples - Not All Smiling
Renoir is best known as a French Impressionist artist who painted couples dancing and enjoying themselves. However, one model is portrayed as not fully smiling. The mystery behind the woman and her smile is revealed.

Be sure to visit the Art Appreciation Archives for all the articles!


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